In previous posts I have commented on word of mouth being the primary reason new customers walk into my kids shoe store. Friends and family members have mentioned my products and services at informal get together’s such as friends catching up, coffee mornings, family gatherings. And yet I still have persisted in paying for print and radio advertising with no discernible result.

Now I am a DIYer in my business, a one woman band if you like. I have set up my own website, based on a free

Attracting new customers by viral word of mouth – Review Engine ROI

I know that half of advertising doesn’t work, the problem is I don’t know which half – As a small business owner does this quote ( paraphrased) by retailing tycoon John Wanamaker, resonate with you? Do you want to know where to advertise your business? Knowing how, what & who to advertise with was bad enough when the options where limited.

where are you going to place your advertising dollar?


An issue facing all small business owners – where to advertise your business – there are far too many choices of where to spend our advertising dollar

Are you in the process planning to start up a business or are you wanting ideas to grow your business to the next level. While some businesses start up and grow organically without a formal business blueprint or strategy, most start up business owners have a spent many hours constructing a business plan. So, if you are wanting to know where and how to start planning to start up a business the business model canvas may be for you. What is does is to force you to think about you business

Planning to start up or grow a business – try the business model canvas

Great entrepreneurs are good at failing. That’s what caught my attention in an article by Rhonda Abrams in USA today. Don’t let it get you down, learn from mistakes made in business. After all we all make them! And that is what I call success, taking those failures, turning them around and applying those lessons to move forward. Rhonda covers Fail Forward, Fail Fast, Fail Smart, Fail Cheap, Fail with Integrity.

To read Rhonda’s post in full

Don’t let it get you down, learn from mistakes made in business

Is cash flow management a problem for your small business? Having enough cash to pay suppliers when due is a common issue, especially in times of

a cash flow management a problem

growth when you could be building up inventories. In her article No substitute for cash in the till, Dianne Buckner shares one company’s success with accepting prepayments as part of their business model and strategy for cash

Is cash flow management a problem? prepayments could be an option

If you are an on-line business or bricks and mortar store, good customer service skills can mean all the difference when closing a

good customer service skills


Building a good rapport with customers can also mean that they will be back! I came across a great reminder of good customer service skillsin an article written by Lisa Marie as a guest post on Lisa Marie shares 5

Good Customer Service Skills – it will mean sales

Sorry to say Twitter still confuses me. I don’t see would people be interested in short messages, but anyway they

Twitter tips from an expert

are and I have to catch up. So if you are like me and want to know more here’s a couple of places to start.

These twitter tips for business from an expert, Steve Strauss, who has 10,000 followers is worth listening too. Also below the article link is

Twitter Tips for business from an expert

The word is out Facebook has paid a BILLION for the purchase of Instagram, and this is not the first company to be brought out by the

Tips to get your business acquired by big business

big boys. So how do you follow on from Instagrams success and set up your business to do the same. What are the tips for making big bucks from selling you business? I came across this informative article, written by Ronda

Read more …

Does your small business need a mobile friendly website? You are probably aware of the issues faced by

Could your website on a mobile device be deterring customers?

iphone and smartphone users. How having to scroll and pinch the screen to try and read the website just causes frustration for what could be an important part of your customer base. But are you aware of how big the numbers actually are? How much

Does your small business need a mobile friendly website?

Employees are one of a businesses greatest assets, so it makes sense to do all we can to retain them. As far as employee retention

Retaining employees is key for small businesses

strategies are concerned most commentators agree that remuneration alone is not the sole motivator of keeping employees, there are also the non monetary aspects such as the culture of the business and showing appreciation for a job

Employee Retention Strategies in Small Business